CCC Offers Free Tertiary Education

The application for Higher Education Institution Recognition (HEIR) of Carcar City College (CCC) was successfully approved last August 18, 2020 during the Commission en Banc meeting held on the exact same date. A letter was addressed to the Trustee-In-Charge, Mayor Mercedita R. Apura, stating the approval together with the College President, Revilina S. Lopina, PhD. The Institutional Quality Assurance and Governance (OICAG) informed the UniFAST Secretariat to coordinate with the office regarding the compliance of Carcar City College on the Certificates of Program Compliance to all programs. This must be referred to the CHED Memo Order No. 14, Series of 2019, which is the Policies and Guidelines in the Issuance of Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) to State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs). CCC continues to serve the Carcaranon youth tertiary education complying with the COPC to still be one of the local colleges to offer free quality education.